Учебник Английский язык 7 класс Комарова Ларионова Макбет
Student’s book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) — Учебник Английский язык 7 класс Комарова Ларионова Макбет — 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:Читать онлайн (cкачать в формате PDF) — Щелкни!
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MACMILLAN: ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ ШКОЛА Ю.А. Комарова И.В. Ларионова К. Макбет АНГЛИИСКИИ язык Учебник для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений 2-е издание Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации экспертное заключение № 10106-5215/258 от 12.10.2011 г. (научная экспертиза) Экспертное заключение № 001443 от 25.01.2014 г. (педагогическая экспертиза) Экспертное заключение № 747 от 10.02.2014 г. (общественная экспертиза) Учебник соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту Москва «Русское слово» MACMILLAN 2014 Student’s Book contents | Ф Ь t i€) ь i 9t Ь Ь № Starter unit jnit 1 Making Music unit 2 Let’s Celebrate! Jnit 3 Where Do You Live? REVISION 1 Jnit 4 Screen Stories Jnit 5 Disaster Zone! Unit 6 Playing Games REVISION 2 Unit 7 Your Future, Our Future Unit 8 Internationa! Adventures Unit 9 Best Friends? REVISION 3 Across the curriculum Dictionary irregular verbs page 6 page 9 page 21 page 33 page 45 page 49 page 61 page 73 page 85 page 89 page 101 page 113 page 125 page 130 page 148 page 167 © Unit 1 Vocabulary Grammar Starter Page 6 ♦ Family ♦ Clothes ♦ At school ♦ be ♦ have got Making Music Page 9 ♦ instruments and musicians ♦ Adjectives of opinion ♦ Present simple ♦ Frequency adverbs and expressions ♦ like, love, hate + -ing Let^s Celebrate! Page 21 ♦ Celebrations; verb + noun ♦ Special days ♦ Present continuous ♦ Present simple and present continuous ♦ Present continuous for future arrangements Where Do You Live? ♦ At home ♦ Jobs and places of work ♦ there is / there are with a/an, some and any ♦ much, many and a lot of Reading & Listening ♦ R: The Ones to Watch ♦ L: A TV game show ♦ R: Celebrations in the UK ♦ L: A mobile phone conver Page 33 REVISION 1 Page 45 Review your progress Built ♦ L: Conversations around town Screen ♦ TV programmes ♦ Past simple; affirmative and negative Stories ♦ Types of film ♦ was / were ♦ Past simple; questions and short Page 49 answers ♦ ago Disaster ♦ Natural ♦ Past continuous; affirmative, negative, Zone! phenomena questions and short answers ♦ Adverbs ♦ Past simple and past continuous ♦ R: The History of Animatic ♦ L: A radio programme ♦ R: News in brief ♦ L: Safety instructions Page 61 Playing Games Page 73 ♦ Games ♦ Computers ♦ Comparative adjectives ♦ Superlative adjectives ♦ could / couldn’t ♦ should / shouldn’t ♦ R: Reader reviews ♦ L: World records REVISION 2 Page 85 Review your progress Your Future,. ♦ Your life story ♦ will / won’t ♦ R; Your Carbon Footpri^* Our Future ♦ Recycling; materials and ♦ First conditional ♦ L; A science programme Page 89 containers International ♦ Types of transport ♦ be going to ♦ R; Are You Ready for the Adventures ♦ Health problems ♦ would like to / wouldn’t (ike World Scout Jamboree’ and first aid ♦ must/ mustn’t ♦ L; At the chemist’s Page 101 ♦ Indefinite pronouns Best Friends? ♦ Personal issues ♦ Present perfect; affirmative ♦ R; Dear Diana … Page 113 ♦ Adjectives of ♦ Tense review; present, past and future ♦ L; Horoscopes character © REVISION 3 Page 125 Review your progress Culture Britain ♦ Music in Britain The USA ♦ Our Family Thanksgiving Canada^^ ♦ Life in an Arctic Town India ♦ From Britain to Bollywood! The USA ♦ Hurricane Katrina: a survivor’s story ♦ The Highland Games England ♦ Europe’s First Plastic Bag-free Town South Africa ♦ South Africa: the Rainbow Nation Speaking & Pronunciation ♦ Personal information ♦ Describing people ♦ English in the classroom ♦ Asking about activities ♦ Sentence stress ♦ Planning celebrations ♦ [i] and [i:] ♦ Asking about where you live ♦ Word stress ♦ Talking about actors ♦ [dj, [t] and [id] ♦ Describing a picture ♦ [wDz] and [waz] ♦ Expressing preferences ♦ Silent/ ♦ Asking questions about the future ♦ will (Tl) ♦ Asking about types of transport ♦ [b] and [v] ♦ Northern Ireland: from Fighting to Friendship ♦ Discussing star signs ♦ Past simple and present perfect Writing ♦ A music review ♦ and, but, because ♦ An invitation ♦ Capital letters and punctuation ♦ A description of a place ♦ Order of adjectives ♦ Describing a film ♦ Planning paragraphs ♦ A narrative ♦ one day, then, later, in the end ♦ A product review ♦ Word order ♦ A composition ♦ Checking verbs ♦ Advice for travellers ♦ too and also ♦ A description of a friend ♦ Using pronouns Dialogue builder ♦ Talking about likes and dislikes Whatdoyou thinkof…? It’s Ok / not had, I suppose ♦ Making arrangements I’m jree on … Where shall we meet? ♦ Asking for directions I’m looking for… Go straighten. ♦ Talking about preferences I’d ratherwatch It’s better than .. ♦ Making conversation I hope it’s nice at the weekend. Anyway, how’s school? ♦ Giving advice Whatshould l get then? I thinkyou should get… ♦ Giving opinions I think it’s a good idea to In my opinion,… ♦ Travelling by bus When’s the last bus back? You can pay on the bus. ♦ Finding information what sort of thing are you looking for? I’d like to find out about.. Across the curriculurri CLIL Music Page ‘ CLIL History Page — 2 CLIL History Page «‘ 3 ,CLIL Literatu Page ■’ 3 CLIL Geograp Page’ 3 CLIL ICT Page’ — CLIL Science Page ‘ -i CLIL Science Page * — CLIL Literatur Page ‘ -3 starter unit Recycle Personal information Match questions 1-5 with answers a-e 1 What’s your name? Where are you from? How old are you? When’s your birthday? Who’s your favourite singer? О Recycle Describing people a I’m from England, b It’s on 29th September, c My name’s Zoe. d I like Shakira. e I’m 13. I’ve got long / short hair. He’s got dark / fair hair. She’s got blue / brown eyes. Has® 2 Ask and answer the questions in exercise 1. What’s your name? J^My name’s … 3 Describe Zoe, Steve and Dan. Write sentences. Zoe’s got… hc?ir, and she’s got… eyes. 4 Describe three of your classmates. ^ Sergey’s got dark hair, and he’s got brown eyes. о Recycle Family О Recycle Clothes 5 Find pairs of family words. How do you say them in your ianguage? Copy and complete the table below. 7 Check the meaning of these words. Then describe the clothes in the picture. niece uncle wife father sister son grandmother nephew daughter grandfather mother husband aunt brother jeans trousers skirt T-shirt shirt jacket dress jumper shoes trainers coat boots Peter’s T-shirt is red and white. His trainers are blue and white. niece 8 Write about your ciothes and your classmates’ clothes. л/iy trousers are white, and my T-shirt is red. Pavel’s jumper is brown, and his jeans are blue. Possessive’s Jane is Dan’s aunt. His cousins’ names are Liz and Paul. $ Write sentences about your famiiy. л/iy sister’s name is Polina. /Vly cousins’ names are ivan and Rosa. Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives subject pronouns 1 you he she it we they possessive adjectives my your his her its our their Unit contents: Vocabulary Instruments and musicians; adjectives of opinion Grammar Present simple; frequency adverbs and expressions; like, love, hate + -ing Skills Read a band profile Listen to a TV game show Write a music review Talk about likes and dislikes Across the curriculum Music Culture Music in Britain I love playing the guitar. Do you play an instrument? Where is the tango from? a) Chile b) Argentina c) Portugal The Australian Aborigines have an instrument called a muhggool. What is it called in English? a) a boomerang b) clapsticks c) a didgeridoo Morris dancing is a traditional folk dance. Where is it from? a) England b) Scotland c) Wales Taiko drumming is from Japan. What does taiko mean in English? a) loud b) fast c) drum Vocabulary 1 Instruments and musicians 1 (^To^ Listen to the instrument sounds and match them with the pictures. 1 — c keyboards Recycle Find eight types of music in the wordsnake. Which is your favourite? ^soulhe^ f s^optone ) 4 Complete the text with words for instruments or musicians. 2 Й041 Listen, check and repeat. 3 Match the instruments in exercise 1 with these musicians. keyboards — keyboard player saxophonist drummer keyboard player vocalist recorder player guitarist bass guitarist pianist The Jonas Brothers are an American pop band. There are three musicians in the band: Kevin, Joe and Nick. Joe and Nick are the principal (1) V…. Kevin plays the (2) g…. Joe sometimes plays the (3) d… — he’s a (4) d… . The Jonas Brothers have got four CDs: It’s About Time (2006), Jonas Brothers (2007), A Little Bit Longer (2008) and Lines, vines and Trying Times (2009). Suffixes -ist / -er We use the suffixes -ist or -er to make nouns for musicians from instruments, guitar-^ guitarist drum drummer 5 Your voice Ask and answer about types of music. Do you like rock music? Yes, I do. 1 like Chaif and DDT. What about you? @ Vocabulary plus -* Workbook pit 6 ourworld.com Home I Browse OURWORLD MUSIC Find people Music Forum More я H > Breathe We’re an indie pop/rock band based in the small village of Dale, near Manchester. There are four of us in the band: brothers Fred Williams (16) and David Williams (14), James Mint (14) and Martin Kane (15). We all live in the village, but we don’t go to the same school. Fred’s the lead guitarist and David’s the vocalist. James plays the bass guitar and Martin’s the drummer. We do concerts and we also perform at local events. i Send us your questions! • Who writes your songs? Fred writes most of our songs, but we also play cover versions of songs from different bands. • What are your musical influences? We love indie bands like Arctic Monkeys and Oasis. We’re also fans of jazz and American rock. • Where do you practise? James lives on a farm and there’s a big garage behind his house. We practise there because there aren’t any neighbours! • When’s your next gig? We’re playing at the Summer Fair here on 16th June. For more information, watch this space! • How can I buy the Breathe CD? No Problem, our first CD, comes out in November. Order it here! 05 Read and listen. Complete the summary. name age instrument Fred Williams 16 (1)… (2) … (3)… Vocals (4) … 14 Bass guitar Martin Kane 15 (5) … First CD: No Problem Next concert: on (6) … Find these words in the text. What are they in your language? Where Who How When What 3 Read the text again and choose the correct answers. 1 Do the band members live in the same village? Yes / No 2 Does James play the drums? Yes / No 3 Does Martin write the songs? Yes / No 4 Do they like jazz music? Yes / No 5 Do they practise in James’s house? Yes / No 4 Answer the questions. Write full sentences. 1 Where are the band members from? 2 Where do they perform? 3 What bands do they like? 4 Where is their next gig? 5 When does their first CD come out? Across the curriculum Music-«piso Grammar 1 Present simple 1 Translate the examples into your language. Is there a word like do / does in your language? Complete the sentences with the present simple affirmative of these verbs. go listen play start sing like finish Our English teacher p\ays the drums. My best friend … to reggae music. I … to rock concerts with my classmates. My parents … in a choir. Our music class … at half past eight. We … school at five o’clock. I … punk music. 3 Make the sentences in exercise 2 negative. Our English teacher doesn’t play the drums. Read the speliing rules below. Then write the third person form of these verbs. 1 sing 2 do 3 teach 4 study 5 listen 6 finish ——————-йээй Third person -s play + s plays tidy + ies tidies go + es watch + es goes -*■ watches 5 Complete the questions with Do or Does Then write short answers. Does Rihanna come from Barbados? Yes, she does. … you study music at school? … Beyonce sing in English? … you play the trumpet? … professional musicians practise every day? … Victoria Dayneko play the guitar? … Enrique Iglesias live in England? 6 Complete the text with do or does and the present simple form of the verbs in brackets. affirmative James plays the bass guitar. negative They don’t go to the same school. questions Do they listen to jazz music? Does Martin write the songs? short answers Yes,! / you / we / you / they do. No 1 / you / we / you / they don’t. Yes, he / she / it does. No, he / she /it doesn’t. Do you watch The x Factor? It’s a TV talent show for singers. The winners are very lucky. What (1)… they … (receive)? Well, they (2) … (not win) money, but they (3)… (make) a CD. So they (4) … (become) rich and famous too! One winner is Leona Lewis. She (5) … (not play) an instrument but she’s a great singer. Leona (6) … (live) in London, and she (7) … (like) pop music and travelling. (8)… you … (know) her songs? 7 Complete the questions with these question words. Who Where Why How often What When How often do you go to concerts? … is your favourite singer? … do you like him / her? … instrument do you play? … do you buy music — at a shop or on the Internet? … do you listen to music — during the day ot in the evening? 8 Your voice Ask and answer the questions in exercise 7. ^ How often do you go to concerts? ^ I go to concerts every summer. 12 Language guide pi8 Vocabulary 2 Adjectives of opinion 1 Check the meaning of these adjectives. Then choose the correct adjectives for the sentences. strange boring loud quiet slow traditional cheerful sad lively annoying great terrible ‘I can’t hear you — it’s very quiet / loud!’ Tom thinks classical music is lively / boring. ‘I love this new song — it’s annoying / great!’Г ‘I always feel sad / cheerful when I listen to violins!’ *^.U The bagpipes are strange / traditional in Scotland. Listening A TV game show 4 071 In your notebook, write the letters of the alphabet from A to M. Listen to the game show and answer the questions. ‘What’s this? It’s terrible / slow!’ Music A-Z A Alicia Keys В British C … 2 Your voice Listen to the six pieces of music. What’s your opinion of them? We use So do i when we agree with someone. I love rap music. So do I! 3 Compare your answers to exercise 2 with your partner. Do you agree? • Do you like piece 1 ? ^ No, I don’t. I think it’s terrible. ^ So do I! 5 (°T^ Listen to the game show again and check your answers to exercise 4. e (Tosl Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Where is Christina Aguilera from? 2 Where is Dover? 3 What nationality is Alicia Keys? 4 Which music festival is in June? 5 What is Kylie’s last name? 6 Who sings Grace Kelly? Britain Britain = England, Scotland and Wales The bagpipes are Scotland’s national instrument. Every August, more than 200 musicians play at a special event at Edinburgh Castle. It’s called the Military Tattoo. Scottish pipers always wear the traditional kilt. They sometimes wear a special hat too. In Glasgow they celebrate the World Bagpipe л
ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс Комарова Ю.А., Ларионова И.В.
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ГДЗ за 7 класс по Английскому языку Комарова Ю.А., Ларионова И.В.
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ГДЗ Комарова Ю.А. 7 класс по Английскому языку на Мегарешеба ком
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Комарова Ю.А., Ларионова И.В. Aнглийский язык. 7 класс [PDF]
Учебник. — Москва: Русское слово, 2014. — 167 с. Making music. Let’s celebrate. Where do you live? Screen stories. Disaster zone. Playing games. — нет большей части юнита, стр. с 66 по 85 отсутствуют. Your future, our future. International adventures. Best friends?
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3-е издание. — М.: Русское слово, Macmillan, 2015. — 134 c. Рабочая тетрадь является одним из компонентов УМК «Английский язык» для 7 класса и предназначена для самостоятельной работы учащихся с целью повторения и закрепления лексико-грамматического материала учебника. Также рабочая тетрадь содержит разделы Grammar Bank, Vocabulary Bank для дополнительной работы над грамматикой и…
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Учебник. — М.: Русское слово; Maсmillan, 2013. — 160 с. — ISBN 978-5-00007-742-9, 978-5-00007-978-2, 978-5-00092-412-9, 978-5-91218-280-8. Представлена до с. 146. Учебник «Английский язык» для учащихся 8 класса входит в комплект учебников по английскому языку для средней школы. Он соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту общего образования. Учебник…
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Аудиоприложение к учебнику 6 класса авторов Комарова Ю.А., Ларионова И.В., Макбет К. Учебник «Английский язык» для учащихся 6 класса входит в комплект учебников по английскому языку для средней школы. Учебник состоит из 9 разделов. М.: Русское слово — учебник; Macmillan, 2014.
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Аудиоприложение к учебнику 7 класса авторов Комарова Ю.А., Ларионова И.В., Макбет К. Учебник «Английский язык» для учащихся 7 класса входит в комплект учебников по английскому языку для средней школы. Учебник состоит из 9 разделов. М.: Русское слово — учебник; Macmillan, 2014.
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ГДЗ ЛОЛ за 7 класс по Английскому языку Комарова Ю.А., Ларионова И.В.
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ГДЗ Английский язык за 7 класс Комарова Ю.А., Ларионова И.В. онлайн решение от Путина
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Алгебра- —
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